Wednesday 25 November 2009

Institutional Research

Channel 4 have said the following in their unique institutional model;
  1. "Channel 4's output reflects the enduring values- of quality, innovation, diversity and distinctiveness - embodied in its remit."

  2. "Channel 4 does more than any other broadcaster to support independent production across the nations and regions."
Channel 4 readily express their support for independent production and "maintains a strong diversity of genres" (from Channel 4's unique institutional model). Their institutional values support my criteria, as my documentary won't be on a mainstream topic. As a result, I feel that they are the most appropriate Institution to broadcast my documentary.

Product research- Radio Times, First Magazine, and Time Out

First Magazine
Time Out

The large photograph and bold phrase "From Dusk Till Dawn" are visually attractive and engaging. Through the title, the reader is told about a central theme of the article; furthermore it is a familiar term that a wider audience can identify with. The text in the top right corner is written in white, a subversion of black font which captivates the readers attention. I believe this is an appropriate approach in order to target a younger audience, a large bulk of black text could deter them from considering the article.

Radio Times

Product Research- Newspaper ad

The size of this newspaper ad is 24x16, this is a conventional and effective size for a newspaper ad. Both ads feature minimal writing and dominating, engaging pictures. 

Product Research

"Dubbed Out In Bristol" is a 16 minute documentary made about the Dubstep scene in Bristol. Although this documentary wasn't broadcasted or widely distributed, I chose to analyse it as it was dealing with the same themes and issues as my production as well as targeting the same audience.

"Dubstep - A Beginner's Guide" is a short documentary made in 2008 featuring top artists within the genre. This documentary was similar to "Dubbed Out In Bristol" in the way that it wasn't widely distributed.

The Family is a eight-part observational series, documenting the lives on families across the UK. The programme uses the fly on the wall format which I am looking to adapt on in my own work, combining interviews and fly on the wall footage in a similar way the programme does. Interview clip Voice over and Fly on The Wall footage

Audience Research

I can conclude from these results that a large amount of my audience will watch the documentary online if it is broadcasted. However, 1/2 of my target audience watch T.V therefore my scheduling remains important.

The results show that the majority of my target audience watch documentaries on channel 4 or online on 4oD. This has given me a direction as to what to research in terms of institution; it has helped me in reaching the decision to broadcast my documentary on this channel. Channel 4 have previously broadcasted programmes such as 'skins' and 'the inbetweeners'; they have also previously produced and broadcasted documentaries dealing with issues surrounding young urban culture. By doing this, they have created a target audience amoung young people; this is the same target audience I am looking to atttract.

My results show that the two most popular preferred documentary formats are investigative, for example Dispatches and Panorama and fly on the wall, for example the family. These results have lead me to look at Dispatches and the family to observe how they use these formats. I may try and incoorporate both formats, using aspects from each one.

These results confirm my belief that people are only aware of commericalised artists; this result reflects 13 of the people asked. The rest were all different but the names included; Mala, Loefah, Kromestar, Benga and Plastician.

These results give me information about my target audience. By knowing what other genres of music they listen to, I can reflect aspects of it within my documentary through sartorial codes and mise-en-scene, attracting a wider target audience.

Initial Brief

Brief- TV Documentary
Main Product- 5 minute extract
Ancillary Product 1- Double page spread from listings magazine
Ancillary Product 2- Newspaper advert for documentary
Target Audience
Demographics: Aged 18-29
Psychographics: Will be interested in electronic music, garage and dub genres and would be involved in the underground music scene.
Lifestyle: Social, young, diverse, talented
Similar Media Products- The Dubstep movement- Hug the Sub
Justification for choice of brief- I have knowledge of constructing documentaries and an understanding of the form. So, I thought, given the conditions it would be the most appropriate brief. Dubstep is amoungst one of my favourite genres of music, my weekend social events are usualy centered around a Dubstep rave. I am familiar with many DJ's and producers in the genre, I also know the director of a successful.
Narrative- I will use a non-narrative construction as I feel this is the most appropriate narrative for my documentary. I will not be conveying a story, just informing people of Dubstep.
Creativity- My documentary will involve footage from inside a rave and will include interviews of people on the street coming out.
Challenges Anticipated- Organising filming off school grounds, sound issues inside the club.
Digital Technology- iMovie, Sony HDV Handycam.