Wednesday 20 January 2010

Evaluation- What have you learned from your audience feedback?s

I targeted a group of AS Media students to conduct the first part of my research. I showed them the clip and on their copy of the questionnaire was a picture of my newspaper ad. The results are as followed;

  • Would you watch the full version of this documentary?

100% replied yes

  • What are your reasons? Responses included;
"Interesting and engaging"

"It seems interesting and lets you know how their [the artists] career started."

"Informative and interesting"

"I would like to know more about underground/underrated artists in comparison to mainstream artists"

"I like Dubstep"

  • Is the documentary engaging?

100% of the people asked said yes.

"It uses different points of views"

  • How effective is the newspaper in advertising the documentary?

"Yes, the fact that it's channel 4, (usually intriguing documentaries), good design"

This proves that my choice of instituiton was significant and effective. By using the instituitons reputation I can immediately reflect the vaules of my production, attracting the appropriate audience, as well as appealing to a segment of their existing audience.

"I'm not sure what message it's trying to get across"

"Not clear what it's about"

This is expected, my newspaper ad is targeted at channel 4's existing audience as well as my niche audience who are particualarly interested and involved in the Dub and Dubstep genre. People with an interest in electronic music such as Drum'n'Bass and Jungle would also find this advert appealing, as proved by my research into this segment of my audience.

100% of people asked from the second part of my research thought that the advert was effective. Responses included;

"It seems like its an independent production, indicating that it'll be more informative and personal, in line with the underground nature of the genre."

  • Would this newspaper ad make you watch the documentary?

98% of people asked answered yes

  • Has the documentary taught you about the Dubstep genre? Is it successful in being informative as well as visually entertaining?

100% of the people asked said yes.

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